Hand on my shoulder

Let me share with you a simple dialogue that touched my heart. Sara: You know those days when the pain is unbearable and you think everything and everyone is against you? Hope: Yes, I know the feeling. Sara: Today was mine. Hope: I'm so sorry! Sara: Let me finish. At one moment, when the pain was unbearable, I've closed my eyes. Then I've felt a hand touching my shoulder. You didn't say anything but just squeezed my shoulder, to let me know you are present. At first my eyes started to cry for a second, but the next second that simple gesture gave me strength. I don't know how this simple gesture made me recover my strength, but I wish everyone can have a friend like you in their live. Thank you! The moral: Sometimes just being there for someone without even saying a word can make a huge difference. Support each other! If you like the article, share your love! ____________________________________________ RO Aş dori să î...