Why You Need to Be in Online Business Directories

Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay These days you have to be creative, original and most of all you have to take advantage of all the free options you can find out there. The internet is so vast you need to be among the first results in SERP in as many trustworthy sources as possible. Have you ever wondered how far down the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) will most people go? The average web user won’t go past the first five listings on a search engine results page (SERP). Research shows that websites on the first search engine results page receive almost 95% of web traffic, leaving only 5% for the remaining search results pages. Why Does SERP Position Matter? Once a search engine result grabs web users’ attention, the logical next step for the user is to click through to the website to get the additional information and potentially take some kind of action (such as making a purchase). Most people will click on one of the first few results because t...