Experienta 'Rasuflarea'
The 'Rasuflarea' (aka 'Take a deep breath') Experience
Acum aproximativ o luna, am aflat de 'Rasuflarea' de la Klara, antrenoarea de Pilates de la Fit4U. In timp ce imi povestea, fetele din jur, care deja stiau de editiile trecute, au intrat 'in hora' si toate imi prezentau ce este 'Rasuflarea'.
About a month ago, I found out about 'Rasuflarea' from Klara, the Pilates trainer from Fit4U. While she was telling me the story, some of the girls, who already knew of the past editions, joined 'the dance' and all of them were telling me what 'Rasuflarea' is.
Toata lumea era super mega incantata de ce se intampla la 'Rasuflarea'. Cand fetele imi povesteau ce inseamna pentru ele 'Rasuflarea' ma regaseam in fiecare cuvant pe care il rosteau si imi doream din ce in ce mai mult sa particip si eu. Si uite asa, impreuna cu niste prietene ne-am inscris si noi la 'Rasuflarea' editia din toamna.
Everyone was mega excited about what was happening at 'Rasuflarea'. While the girls told me what 'Rasuflarea' meant for them, I've found myself in every word they were saying and my desire to attend this event got even greater/bigger. And so, along with some friends, we registered at the autumn edition of 'Rasuflarea'.
Ce asteptari am avut de la aceasta editie?
- In primul si in primul rand imi doream foarte mult sa ma relaxez, mai ales ca aceasta 'escapada' era prima in acest an si mai ales de acest gen.
- Apoi am vrut sa profit de fiecare ora de miscare cat mai mult. Tot timpul m-am intrebat oare cum ar fi sa imi incep ziua facand un pic de sport.
- Sa invat ceva nou de la fiecare seminar pe care sa pot sa il aplic in viata mea.
- Sa mananc sanatos si sa incerc chestii noi
- Sa cunosc lume noua si sa leg noi prietenii
- Sa ma distrez
What expectations I had from this edition ?
- First and foremost, I wanted to relax very much, especially since this was my first 'escape' of this kind, this year.
- Then, I wanted to exercise, practice sport. I always wondered what would it be like to start my day doing a bit of exercise.
- To learn something new from each seminar, that I can apply to my life.
- To eat healthy and try new things
- To meet new people and make new friends
- To have fun
Ce credeti, am reusit toate aceste lucruri?
What do you think, have I managed to do all these things?
'Rasuflarea' este locul ideal pentru persoanele care isi doresc toate aceste lucruri si chiar mai mult. Unele emotii traite chiar nu pot fi exprimate in cuvinte, trebuie doar sa le traiesti si sa te bucuri de ele cu tot sufletul.
Ma bucur din suflet ca am reusit sa fiu una din cele peste 30 de fete care au ajuns sa participe la editia asta la 'Rasuflarea'. Am fost un grup super, ne-am distrat impreuna si cel mai important am adunat amintiri frumoase.
Locatia unde am fost cazate parca este rupta din rai. Inconjurata de munti, Pensiunea Apuseni Wild Remeti, va ofera o priveliste de vis si cele mai bune conditii de cazare. Au ca dotari restaurant, bar, piscina, sauna si jacuzzi. Proprietarul si angajatii sunt niste persoane foarte amabile si serviabile. Este o adevarata placere sa te cazezi aici.
Multumesc din suflet organizatorilor, antrenoarelor si tuturor sponsorilor pentru aceasta oportunitate. Totul a fost organizat pana la ultimul detaliu si nu doar ca s-a vazut acest lucru, dar s-a si simtit.
'Rasuflarea' is the ideal place for people who want all these things and more. Some of the experienced emotions cannot be expressed in words, you just have to live and enjoy them wholeheartedly. I'm so glad that I've managed to be one of the 30 girls, who have come to participate in this edition of 'Rasuflarea'. We were a great group, we had fun together and most importantly, made some great memories.
The location where we stayed is Heaven on Earth. Surrounded by mountains, the 'Apuseni Wilde Remeti' Pension offers a wonderful view and the best accommodation. They have a restaurant, bar, swimming pool, sauna and jacuzzi. The owner and employees are very friendly and helpful. It is a pleasure to stay here.
Thank you so much to all the organizers, trainers and sponsors for this opportunity. Everything was planned to the last detail and we all saw and felt this.
Haideti sa va prezint in mare experienta mea si prin poze, mai ales ca stim ca o poza face cat 1000 de cuvinte.
Let me show you my experience using pictures, because we all know, that a picture is worth 1000 words.
Petrecere-Timp liber/Party-Free Time
Locatia - Pensiunea 'Apuseni Wild Remeti'
The location 'Apuseni Wild Remeti' Pension
Urmatoarea editie va fi in mai 2017. Pentru mai multe detalii si mai ales pentru a afla data exacta cand va fi, puteti urmari pagina de Facebook 'Rasuflarea'.
The next edition will be in May 2017. For more details and to keep an eye out for the exact date, you can follow their Facebook page 'Rasuflarea'.
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