
'1001 jucării pentru copii'

La acest proiect peste 11 voluntari din cadrul firmei Cylex s-au alaturat celor de la Love-Bihor si au cusut peste 200 de jucării. Totul a inceput mai timid, deoarece a durat un pic pana am invatat cum se confectioneaza fiecare model de jucarie.  Insa cu trecerea fiecarui an numarul de jucarii cusute manual de fete a inceput sa creasca semnificativ. An de an asociatia are ca scop confectionarea a cel putin 1.001 jucarii pentru copii. Destinatarii acestor jucarii sunt copii cu dizabilitati, cei proveniti din familii nevoiase, cei aflati în spital sau cei care locuiesc în mediul rural. Desigur, nu doar micutii din Bihor au parte de aceste cadouri, o parte din jucariile confectionate ajung si in alte parti din Romania. Fetele de la Cylex se apuca de cusut in fiecare an prin luna noiembrie. Astfel incercam ca pana in luna decembrie sa realizam cat mai multe jucarii cusute manual. Unele fete cos in timpul pauzelor de la lucru, altele prefera sa isi duca acasa, insa indiferent ...

Why You Need to Be in Online Business Directories

Image by  Photo Mix  from  Pixabay   These days you have to be creative, original and most of all you have to take advantage of all the free options you can find out there. The internet is so vast you need to be among the first results in SERP in as many trustworthy sources as possible. Have you ever wondered how far down the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) will most people go? The average web user won’t go past the first five listings on a search engine results page (SERP). Research shows that websites on the first search engine results page receive almost 95% of web traffic, leaving only 5% for the remaining search results pages. Why Does SERP Position Matter? Once a search engine result grabs web users’ attention, the logical next step for the user is to click through to the website to get the additional information and potentially take some kind of action (such as making a purchase). Most people will click on one of the first few results because t...


Photo by from Pexels “Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.”  ―  John Maxwell Being a team leader is not easy. No matter the size of the team, problems will occur. Let’s consider a few points that could help you optimize your leadership skills in the future: 1. Accept that you still have much to learn Don't be ashamed to admit that you don't have an answer for everything. There were moments when I had to work on a new project and in the middle of the project something unexpected happened. For me, this is something which happens quite frequently. So, what to do now? You've stumbled on a problem and you don't see any solutions on how to fix it. Try to calm down, rearrange your thoughts, do a brainstorming session if needed, bring in your team and try together to come up with a solution. If at the end of the day you still haven't come up with a solution go home, tomorr...

Hand on my shoulder

Let me share with you a simple dialogue that touched my heart. Sara: You know those days when the pain is unbearable and you think everything and everyone is against you? Hope: Yes, I know the feeling. Sara: Today was mine. Hope: I'm so sorry! Sara: Let me finish. At one moment, when the pain was unbearable, I've closed my eyes. Then I've felt a hand touching my shoulder. You didn't say anything but just squeezed my shoulder, to let me know you are present. At first my eyes started to cry for a second, but the next second that simple gesture gave me strength. I don't know how this simple gesture made me recover my strength, but I wish everyone can have a friend like you in their live. Thank you! The moral: Sometimes just being there for someone without even saying a word can make a huge difference. Support each other! If you like the article, share your love! ____________________________________________ RO Aş   dori   să   î...


Un proiect creativ şi relaxant, realizat împreună cu 9 fete creative, în pauzele de la lucru şi în timpul liber de acasă. Prin acest proiect dorim să aducem primăvara în cât mai mulţi ochișori de copii talentaţi și isteţi, dar cu posibilităţi materiale extrem de fragile, chiar insuficiente, de ale căror tabere se ocupă cei de la asociaţia Love-Bihor. Love-Bihor este o asociaţie care oferă ajutor copiilor aflaţi temporar în dificultate.  Ei au dezvoltat o serie de activităţi care răspund nevoilor specifice copiilor, activități de tip educativ și recreativ precum și tabere care cuprind ambele.  Proiectul în care noi ne-am implicat, constă în realizarea manuală de mărţişoare care apoi urmează a fi valorificate. Cu banii strânşi sperăm să ajutăm măcar 1-2 copii să aibă asigurat tot ce le trebuie pentru a putea merge în taberele organizate şi în acest an de cei de la Love-Bihor. Astfel, împreună cu minunatele mele colege, am decis la începutul lunii februarie să pornim în a...