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“Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.” 
― John Maxwell

Being a team leader is not easy. No matter the size of the team, problems will occur.

Let’s consider a few points that could help you optimize your leadership skills in the future:

1. Accept that you still have much to learn

Don't be ashamed to admit that you don't have an answer for everything.
There were moments when I had to work on a new project and in the middle of the project something unexpected happened. For me, this is something which happens quite frequently. So, what to do now? You've stumbled on a problem and you don't see any solutions on how to fix it. Try to calm down, rearrange your thoughts, do a brainstorming session if needed, bring in your team and try together to come up with a solution. If at the end of the day you still haven't come up with a solution go home, tomorrow is another day. Try the next day to repeat the steps of the project till the moment you got stuck. If you still can't find a solution to fix it, then try to find one to go around it. I'm sure that in the end, you will manage to finish your project. 

2. Try to be a positive role model

As a leader, your actions are always on display. You set the tone for what is appropriate or not. Always try to act the way you want your team to act like.
I know that sometimes is very hard to stay positive and sometimes we all fail but the next day try to start all over again and do better than yesterday. Admit when you are wrong, it's hard, I know it, but by doing so, you show your human side which will help you gain the respect of your colleagues and customers alike.

3. Share the credit

Successful projects should always be shared with the team.  To recognize success can be very powerful. It brings fulfilment because it reinforces the meaning of one’s hard work. When you show your respect to one’s achievement, you are likely to boost his/her esteem - the second highest needs of a person in Maslow’s hierarchy. It helps build a sense of solidarity and a strong identity for the whole team.

4. Communicate and try to be approachable

Strive to make your teammates feel that they can talk to you openly about anything work-related or not. Give them your attention. When they speak to you about a problem, try to make eye contact and always keep an open mind. Maintain the confidentially of the conversation because is the only way you can build trust.
Define clear priorities for success, team members can wind up working at cross-purposes, leading to frustration, stress, which reduces teamwork effectiveness. Breaking large tasks into multiple small tasks helps you estimate them more accurately. If difficulties or misunderstandings occur, try to address them quickly. If the communication is verbal, the tone of voice can influence interpretation. Speak calmly and effectively. 

5. Know your team

I always like to know the persons I'm working with.  You can organize small getaways outside the firm: go for a movie, play some games or simply go out for a drink. Ask about their families or what they like to do in their spare time. By doing this, you will show them that you care about them and that you don't consider them just another name on the company payroll. When you feel that the place you are working in is like a 'home' and your coworkers become more like a 'family', then working together will be a pleasure.

These tips are just the breakthrough of what it means to be a good leader.
Being a great leader ain't easy but you can start by considering these tips when upping your leadership game.


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